“Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained in the way of righteousness.”
Seniors' Ministry
Our vision for Seniors’ Ministry is to highlight the wisdom of the “older men and women” in a way that is valued and sought after. We encourage a sense of community and worth through Biblical love and fellowship. We also identify resources within the church as well as outside the church that can serve our Seniors well.
Soup & Seniors

Monthly fellowship
Seniors, join us each month for fellowship and a special-topic program! Soup and Seniors is one of our cornerstone events that we look forward to each month. Our luncheons often have a fun holiday theme, and our programs are engaging and helpful. Previous programs include: hymn sings, health updates, cellphone Q & A, and a chocolate dessert bake-off. Seniors are welcome to invite their friends to lunch.
Connect with us
If you are interested in joining this honorable community and are about 60 years wise or greater, we invite you to connect with us!