What to do when you arrive

We have plenty of parking available. We have a covered drop off at our entrance and reserved parking for our seniors.

Visit our Welcome Table
Our greeters at the welcome table can help with anything you need! Our welcome table is a hub for getting more information about our church and ways to get connected.
Join kids’ programs
We have programs during the services for kids in grades K – 5 and a staffed nursery available for infants and toddlers ages 0 – 2 years old. After the song service a pastor will pray for and dismiss kids to their classrooms.

Grab a bulletin and a pen
On your way into the multipurpose room, grab a bulletin and pen. In your bulletin you’ll find useful information about what’s happening at our Church as well as sermon notes.
What to expect
On Sundays, we:
Sing songs to God together
Share announcements about events and opportunities
Have kids' programs available from birth to fifth grade
Learn from the Bible through it being preached
Pray together
Take communion together on the first Sunday of the month